The Blue

The Blue Team

Last Match

The Blue Patch Statistics

Patch ID Release Date Best Rank Worst Rank
7.36c 2024-06-24 2519 4639

The Blue Rank Statistics

Rank Date Region
2519 2024-07-14 SE Asia
2533 2024-07-13 SE Asia
2530 2024-07-12 SE Asia
2919 2024-07-11 SE Asia
2908 2024-07-10 SE Asia
3071 2024-07-09 SE Asia
3054 2024-07-08 SE Asia
3073 2024-07-07 SE Asia
3077 2024-07-06 SE Asia
3079 2024-07-05 SE Asia
3533 2024-07-04 SE Asia
3542 2024-07-03 SE Asia
3597 2024-07-02 SE Asia
3749 2024-06-30 SE Asia
3750 2024-06-29 SE Asia
3768 2024-06-28 SE Asia
4341 2024-06-27 SE Asia
4627 2024-06-26 SE Asia